The Soulful Medicine Woman presents by special invite only
Awaken the Wisdom Within
A Live, 6-Week, Guided, Introductory Micro-Dosing Experience
March 19 — April 23 | All Live Sessions, Wednesday, 5pm – 6:30pm, MST
Join me along with an intimate group of soulful humans for a six -week, LIVE somatic-based guided journey where you get to personally work with and experience the therapeutic and cognitive effects of microdosing psilocybin mushrooms.

What's included:
Intimate Group Setting (limited to 30 participants)
Gift box with $200+ worth of fun goodies
Custom microdosing Journal & Workbook
Intention setting & integration support
Safe and confidential container
Six LIVE weekly online group gatherings
Live Q&A and group coaching
Private community access via Signal app
Personalized nervous system regulation tools
Simple somatic practices for everyday life
Intro to breath work and the non-linear movement
Opportunity for 1:1 Coaching with Carma*
Discover the Power of Earth Medicines
Lower overall stress and overwhelm
Enhanced nervous system regulation
Create and embody new healthier daily habits
Increase physical and mental energy
Tap into Your creative flow
Improve clarity and focus
Reduce excessive anxiety and depression
Improve overall sleep
Reconnect with your intuition
Find deeper peace and flow

What to expect
As part of the program, we will share thirty capsules of psilocybin mushrooms in a manner compliant with Colorado Proposition 122 and a journal and workbook to work with during the program.
During our live, 1.5 hour weekly online sessions, we will explore intention setting, nervous system awareness and regulation and somatic practices that will support your mind, body and spirit as you start to familiarize yourself with the medicine. You will create your own personalized toolbox of resources specific to your nervous system to work with as you start to create a sacred relationship with the mushrooms.
We will also explore somatic and embodiment practices using breath, sound, movement and touch to support whatever you are experiencing; whether it be a challenging emotion, memory or unresolved trauma. You’ll learn how to gently release these layers from the body, instead of repeating and recycling them.
There will also be live coaching within an intimate community to inspire, support and challenge you as you embark on your journey towards the soul-aligned intentions you created at the beginning of the course. We will co-create safety, nurturance, attunement, curiosity, connection and growth.
You're ready for this journey if...
You innately know there is more for you and that everything you need is within, yet you can’t find the pathway to fully embody this knowing and truth.
You are curious about psilocybin and how it could support you in your current desires and goals, yet you’re not sure how or where to safely begin the process.
You are struggling with anxiety or depression and want to explore alternative therapies.
You have tried traditional talk therapy and still find yourself STUCK, repeating the same behaviors and patterns that you know aren’t serving you.
You can’t find your creative flow
and lack motivation and passion.
You feel disconnected from
yourself and your emotion.
You don’t want another online course to sit on your computer untouched, because you know live support and accountability equals SUCCESS!
It’s your time!
You're here!
You’re ready!

Why work with Carma?
Carma is a modern-day soulful medicine woman who lives and moves with the natural rhythm of our Mother Earth. She acquired much of her teachings and wisdom from 20+ years of personal development work and her own journey of healing and clearing the childhood sexual abuse that ran deep in her family’s lineage. Her exploration with plant medicines and commitment to somatic and embodiment based practices has played a big role in healing these deep wounds which she continues to advocate for and share with others.
She is a Certified Master Coach with the Elementum Coaching Institute® where she broadened her skills in working with trauma, nervous system regulation, somatic and embodiment practices as well as inner-child and Internal Family System (IFS) or ‘parts’ work.
In 2022 she completed a Non-Linear Movement Practitioner Certification® with her mentor, Michaela Boehm. The addition of non-linear movement into her daily practice, inspired her creation of the powerful somatic and embodiment practice of Non-Linear Movement and Intentional Breathwork Fusion® which she offers online monthly and in person in Boulder, Colorado.
Carma is committed to creating safe spaces for all people to come and experience this profound and powerful work. She holds a special place in her heart for survivors of childhood sexual abuse or sexual assault. Working with clients of all genders, she has witnessed healing and clearings around the many challenges that affect modern day humans.

"My own transformational psychedelic experiences led me to a deeper understanding of what is needed to support others in these profound journeys. Creating safety for soulful humans to work with their trauma is imperative. I continue to build my trauma-informed skills and to deepen my connection and co-creation with plant teachers and healers and to amplify my coaching and integration skills in the aftercare of Earth medicines. Throughout my own practice and offerings, I hold deep respect, honor and gratitude for all indigenous and shamanic lineages from whom these plant medicine teachings originate."
– Carma

Receive additional support with the
Enhanced Experience
If you desire additional support throughout the program, I am opening up 2 spaces for the Enhanced 1:1 Experience.
The experience includes:
One, 90-minute, 1:1 somatic based coaching sessions via Zoom with Carma
Personal & direct access to Carma via text (24-hour response time) throughout the experience
Enhanced Experience: $1000
Only 2 spaces available
Make sure to choose The Enhanced Experience at check out.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is micro-dosing?Micro-dosing is a practice that involves frequently consuming small, sub-perceptual doses of psychedelic substances such as magic mushrooms other entheogens, to achieve subtle enhancements in cognitive function, creativity and emotional well being . A sub-perceptual dose is approximately one-tenth to one-twentieth of a typical macro-dose. Commonly reported doses for micro-dosing range from 0.05 - 0.3g (50-300mg) of dried psilocybin-containing mushrooms.
Are there any side effects to micro-dosing?Psychedelics affect everyone a little differently. Generally speaking, psychedelics like psilocybin are extremely safe. However, please consult a medical doctor to ensure microdosing is safe for you. While anecdotal reports suggest potential benefits such as increased creativity, mood elevation, and heightened focus, it's important to be aware of potential side effects. Individuals may experience mild headaches, nausea, or changes in appetite. Additionally, the effects of psilocybin on mood and perception can vary among users, and some may find it challenging to predict how they will react. As with any substance, it's crucial to approach micro-dosing cautiously, be aware of individual sensitivities, especially for individuals with a history of mental health issues.
Why do we have to apply for the ROOTED program?Creating a safe container to do this work is my #1 goal. Working with psilocybin is not ideal for everyone which is why it's important to be forthright in all of your responses. This opens up communications to explore where you're at physically and mentally as you enter the ROOTED space. NOTE: Even if you don't currently meet the medical guidelines for ROOTED, that doesn't mean you won't in the future. We can work together to create a plan to get you there! If you have further questions, please email me direct at: carma@thesoulfulmedicinewoman.com
How many participants will be in the program?The goal is to create safety and intimacy, so we can share our experiences openly and without judgment, therefore, the program is limited to a maximum of 30 people. The group is open to people of all gender identities and expressions.
How long is the program?The program will be an online six - week guided journey comprised of six 1.5 hour sessions via Zoom. We will learn a variety of somatic and embodiment practices, using breath, crystal bowl sound healing, movement and touch. We will have time for Q&A and live coaching. All sessions will be recorded and shared within 48 hours. Due to the sensitive nature of our sacred container and to respect the groups privacy, all recordings will be available for 120 days from the completion of the program.
What is the cost for the program?The Early Bird rate of $699 is available through Dec 31, 2024 . After that the price will go up to $799. If you would like to enhance your experience and dive into some 1:1 somatic work with Carma, you can add the Enhanced Experience for an $1000 This includes one, 90 minute, 1:1 somatic based sessions with Carma via Zoom and personal and direct access to her via Signal for the duration of the experience. You will also receive access to special pricing on future coaching packages so you may continue your journey with Carma.
What is included in the six - week program?Each participant will be gifted 30capsules 15/50mg and 15/100mg of psilocybin mushroom brain blend which will be shared in a manner compliant with proposition 122. You will receive a digital Micro-Dosing Journal & Workbook that will help you keep track of your experience as you introduce micro-dosing into your life and body, and to help you move towards the soul intentions you create at the beginning of our course and to help you find your 'sweet spot' in working with the mushrooms. Six LIVE online 1.5 hour Zoom sessions will be offered as a group, where you will learn about intention setting, protocols, nervous system awareness and regulation. You will create your own individualized list of 'RESOURCES' to support you and your nervous system as you expand into new ways of being. We will learn somatic practices such as Non-Linear Movement and Breathwork, using music, crystal bowls and mediations. You will master the art of ALLOWING. You will be guided to lean into finding and trusting your inner wisdom as you create a deeper relationship with the medicine and with nature through ceremony, ritual and respect and reciprocity. You will have access to a group text via the Signal app to connect with our special community. A safe space to share your experience or ask questions as you embark on your new adventure. You will receive love, support, encouragement, a deeper connection to your inner wisdom and a beautiful community of like-minded beautiful humans!
What if I miss a session?All sessions will be recorded for replays and will be available for 90 days after the program ends. It is recommended you attend all of the sessions for the maximum benefit. We are co-creating and growing as a community which creates safety and intimacy which is why sessions are only available for 90 days from date of completion.
What if we need support during our micro-dosing journey together?There will be a private group created on the SIGNAL app which is known for its end-to-end encryption and those concerned with privacy. Each participant can choose to be part of the chat or not. This allows the participants to open communication and share or ask questions. I will be monitoring it as well and will respond as needed. If you require immediate support you can reach out to me directly.
What if I want to work with you 1:1 instead of a group setting?If you would like a deeper dive during our six weeks together, you can add on the Enhanced 1:1 Experience for an additional fee. I am also available for 1:1 microdosing, somatic and embodiment coaching, psychedelic facilitation and integration support. If you would like to explore that option you can reach out to me directly for a customized journey. The benefit of working within a group setting is to not to only keep the cost down but to create a supportive community to work within. “ A community is a group of people who decide to grow together.” Humans need connection to thrive and survive. It is human nature. To be seen, witnessed, heard and held. That is what this community is about. A safe space to get curious and without judgment. We are all here to learn from and with each other.
What if I have a mental health diagnosis or mental health concerns?If you or anyone in your immediate family have a history of schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder, delusion disorder, paranoid disorder, or schizoaffective disorder, it is recommended to not join ROOTED at this time. If you would like to further discuss this, please reach out to me.
I am currently on an antidepressant, will this be a problem?If you are on antidepressants or any other pharmaceuticals, please check in with your personal doctor before joining. Different pharmaceuticals interact with psychedelics differently, so it is important to get your doctor's approval. Please note this in your application to join ROOTED.
Isn't Psilocybin illegal in Colorado?Psilocybin is decriminalized in Colorado, NOT LEGAL. The only way to legally access the medicine in Colorado is if someone gifts it to you, you attend a ceremony, or you grow it yourself. As part of the program, we will share all medicines in a manner compliant with Proposition 122, You will also receive a workbook and daily journal to support you throughout your microdosing journey.
Disclaimer: As an harm reduction guide and integration coach, I am not working within the ‘clinical model’ that may or may not be in place in Colorado by 2025. I made a conscious commitment to do this work and to bring the medicine to those in need. My respect for the medicine is deep, and I only work with these sacred plants within an intentional space that honors all indigenous and shamanic lineages from whom these plant medicine teachings originate. All medicines are GIFTED to participants and are in compliance of Prop 122. . The fee for this course is for the content and coaching that is offered in the 6 week container.